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Extraction and concentration equipment

Sl-500-1000m3 alcohol precipitation tank equipment

This equipment is suitable for the percolation operation of traditional Chinese medicine, plant, animal, food, chemical industry, etc. except for the non-organized medicinal materials such as frankincense, rosin, aloe and so on, which will block the pores and make the solvent unable to pass through the medicinal materials evenly due to the solvent softening into a ball, it is not suitable for percolation, other medicinal materials can be extracted by this method.

Detailed description


This equipment is suitable for the percolation operation of traditional Chinese medicine, plant, animal, food, chemical industry, etc. except for the non-organized medicinal materials such as frankincense, rosin, aloe and so on, which will block the pores and make the solvent unable to pass through the medicinal materials evenly due to the solvent softening into a ball, it is not suitable for percolation, other medicinal materials can be extracted by this method.

Structure and characteristics

The equipment is composed of simple body, cone, oval head (or flat cover), pneumatic slag outlet door, pneumatic operation table, etc., which has the characteristics of uniform solvent distribution and convenient slag discharge.

working principle

Percolation is a kind of leaching method that the crude powder of traditional Chinese medicine is continuously added with the solvent to make it penetrate through the powder and then the liquid is discharged from the lower outlet. When percolation, after the solvent seeps into the cells of the medicinal materials, the soluble substances are dissolved, the concentration increases, the density increases and moves down. The displacement position of the upper layer of the solvent or dilute solution causes good concentration difference, which makes the diffusion better and natural. Therefore, the extraction effect is better than the impregnation method, and the extraction is safer and the operation time of the separation and extraction solution is saved.

Pre:Jc-300 ~ 3000 alcohol precipitation tank equipment

Next:Alcohol recovery concentrator

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Address:8 Dongtang Road, Sanhekou Industrial Park, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou, China
Zhang Ya (General Manager):13813577928
Sales Hotline:0519-88676267
Copyright: Jiangsu Taian drying equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd    Add:8 Dongtang Road, Sanhekou Industrial Park, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou, China      Technical support:云计算  Record number:苏ICP备16056088号
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