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The answer to the difference of trough mixer

From:Jiangsu Taian drying equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd  Time:2014-10-29 16:36:32  Visits:

People who have bought slot mixer will have such a puzzle, why buy the same type of slot mixer, but after use, there are differences in all aspects of machinery produced by different manufacturers. Today, we will reveal the answer!

1、 Price difference

The small company's operation mode, workshop and less personnel are two factors of equipment price. Because the small company or middleman has no design engineer, purchasing personnel, quality inspection personnel, and large-scale equipment needed for production equipment, such as large crane, large plate bending machine, lathe, milling machine, plate shearing machine, bending machine, automatic welding, etc., the equipment price of small company is often low Lower than regular production companies.

2、 Differences in quality

Because the small company has no designers, and professional product processing equipment, inspection equipment, inspection personnel, resulting in poor equipment quality.

3、 Differences in after sales service

After sales of equipment sold by manufacturers is very important. Many small companies do not have special after-sales personnel. When the equipment goes wrong, after-sales can not keep up with customers in time, resulting in customers' inability to produce, unable to ship, and indirectly causing customers' economic losses. For example, the middleman has no entity company, just a registered company. When customers order products, they often take goods from other manufacturers, or If you buy the equipment from other provinces and then resell it to the customers, how can you keep up with the after-sales service when the equipment goes wrong? You can either ask the manufacturers from other provinces to repair it, and people may not be able to come right away. The round-trip time is also relatively long. This is why small companies can't compare with large companies. When you buy equipment, you still need to think carefully about these problems that are easy to ignore.

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Copyright: Jiangsu Taian drying equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd    Add:8 Dongtang Road, Sanhekou Industrial Park, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou, China      Technical support:云计算  Record number:苏ICP备16056088号
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